A Helping hand
Order your repeat prescriptions online
Antibiotics (cat)
Antibiotics are not always the answer
Antibiotics (dock)
Antibiotics are not always the answer
Antibiotics (dog)
Antibiotics are not always the answer
Antibiotics (hedgehog)
Antibiotics are not always the answer
Antibiotics (parrot)
Antibiotics are not always the answer
Antibiotics and Colds
Antibiotics will not cure your cold or cough
Antibiotics don't cure toothache
If you have toothache you need to see a dentist
Changes to Prescribing
We will no longer be able to write prescriptions for medicines available over the counter.
Electronic Prescription Service
A full description of EPS
Electronic Prescription Service
Short description of EPS
Eye drops
How to apply eye drops
Heart care
Are you on medication for a heart condition
Keep antibiotics working
Take your doctor's advice
Keep antibiotics working II
Help us to keep antibiotics effective.
Medicine Wastage
Wastage is a serious problem in the NHS
Medicines for Dental Conditions
Your dentist should issue prescriptions for your dental treatments
Open Up
Making best use of your medicines
Save money with a prepayment certificate
Self care (prescriptions)
Don't ask your GP for medicines which can be bought at the pharmacy
Social prescribing
You could prescribed an activity as a treatment.
Specialist referrals (Prescriptions)
What to expect when you are referred by your GP to see a specialist (or therapist)
Use antibiotics wisely
Antibiotics can have unwanted side-effects
